Great way to save and get rewarded
Premium Membership
Quick Tech Support Premium Memberships are designed for those that want discounts on the services they use often for example training or pc health checks. For a very small monthly fee our customers are able to receive anywhere from 10-30% discounts on their monthly bill. This is a great opportunity to cut house hold costs on technical assistance.
Rewards Membership
Quick Tech Support Rewards Members are able to receive points on services they use. Every year, they receive a list of what services they can use their rewards with. Some of the rewards are cash for services, or free gifts.
Rewards program is free service for Pemium Members and customers using monthly maintenance and family plans
Referral Membership
Quick Tech Referral Program offers Quick Tech Support the ability to thank customers. We value serving our customers and want to receive continual recognition for their support. By reffering friends and family, our customers receive cash rewards tailored to the service purchased. Start making cash today by referring your friend and family and letting them benefit from our services.
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